Baby Won't Let Dad Put Him to Sleep

It'south a miraculous thing, becoming a mom. Whether your baby came naturally, through surrogacy, or through adoption, he or she is your little 1. Property my girls in my artillery when they were tiny babies, specially in the placidity, still moments before bedtime, I remember wishing I could stop fourth dimension. I still often do, fifty-fifty as their limbs grow longer and their bodies heavier. I love rocking my babies, singing to them, knowing that I--more than anyone else--am their haven of comfort.

But sometimes I can't be in that location at bedtime, or nap time. I'll be really honest: sometimes I need a interruption from bedtime, sometimes I'm touched-out at the finish of the day, and sometimes I want to say "yes" to dinner with my girlfriends or a appointment with my husband, trusting that my kids will go to sleep with another caregiver.  Not ever. In fact, non even 5% of the fourth dimension. Just that 5% of the time  became a problem because if bedtime couldn't happen without me, then on nights (or naps) when I couldn't be there, bedtime was a mess. I would feel terrible, dripping with mom-guilt and feeling like I'd neglected my child; or worse, resentful that I couldn't get a lilliputian pause. I struggled with these emotions, the tug-of-war, for awhile.

It turns out, I wasn't lone.

This is really a very common struggle that many families face, and it sneaks in without anyone noticing. When a infant is newborn, a mother will often breastfeed at every wake upwards and earlier every sleep. As the baby grows, this becomes role of the bedtime routine and, earlier y'all know it, with or without a feeding, mom is the but one who babe will tolerate as the one who can put him down for bed or soothe at any wakings.

five tips to requite mom a bedtime pause:

  1. Allow the non-feeding partner or caregiver go a source of soothing, right from the start. Allow for plenty of time for a new baby to develop a closeness with both parents. Skin-on-pare snuggling is important for mom and baby, but information technology's also important for dad and baby. While it tin experience hard when you know you will be able to soothe your babe, giving your partner a run a risk to endeavor it every single 24-hour interval is a practiced style for infant to empathise that both parents can provide soothing.
  2. The Hand-Off. Most of the time, only one parent is producing chest milk, which puts some parameters around how much the non-feeding partner can do off the bat. I of my favorite habits to help families develop is the hand-off. The feeding partner snuggles and feeds babe, either before bed or during a waking, and then hands the baby to the non-feeding partner for a burp, possibly a diaper change, and the balance of bedtime or back to bed. This not simply meets all of baby's needs, but it provides a perfect segue for the not-feeding partner to participate--taking some of the force per unit area off of mom when she needs information technology most. Remember, requite this a take a chance to work. Be patient!
  3. Move feeding earlier in the bedtime routine. This is a good solution if (a) your infant is used to being fed all the manner to slumber and y'all are hoping to suit that sleep crutch and (b) if your baby won't take a bottle (like mine!), but you still want to be able to get out with your spouse once in a while. Adjust the bedtime routine so that baby gets a nice long meal at the beginning of the bedtime routine. You can even move the feeding out of the baby's room. Try to exercise it in a dimly lit space, rather than in the dark, perchance even play some music. After this feeding, mom gives a sweet snuggle and says goodnight, then hands the baby to the other caregiver for the rest of bedtime.
  4. Make mom unavailable for 2-3 nights at bedtime and/or during wake ups. This is a tool that is more useful for older children who heavily rely on mom at bedtime and nights and reject any other caregiver'due south attempt at soothing. Mom is simply not the 1 home at bedtime and not the one who provides soothing at nighttime for a few nights. It can be a little flake of a struggle at offset, but very quickly a child will realize that their other parent is also a cracking soother and a wonderful source of security and comfort.
  5. Create a bedtime routine that anyone can follow. As your baby grows, so too does their reliance on predictability every bit a source of condolement. Create a bedtime routine that either parent  or any caregiver could hands follow. Ane example might bed: bath, jammies, canteen with books, burp, lights out, vocal while rocking, and into bed. There is no demand to make your routine very complicated. Write it downward and post it on the wall of your child's bedroom then anybody follows the same steps. When you lot starting time start using a common routine, parents tin take turns putting the baby to bed. Certain, at that place might exist a little bit of protestation when dad does bedtime at first, merely if he never gets a chance to exist successful he won't exist. Give it a couple of weeks of trading off, or finding means for both parents to participate somehow and y'all volition see your fiddling one fall into new and comfortable habits of relying on their routine to help them off to sleep, rather than a singular person. I provide lots of examples of dissimilar bedtime and nap time routines in my gentle and incremental sleep program, Two Weeks to Groovy Slumber.

It'southward hard as a mom to admit when you need a interruption. Sometimes at the cease of a solar day of being a caregiver to a infant or toddler or both, bedtime seems insurmountable. There are likewise times when you are needed in two (or more!) places at once and it can experience impossible. Don't question your dedication to y'all babies, and certainly don't question your desire to give them everything they need. Still, helping others in your baby'southward life become sources of soothing and comfort will give you peace of mind when you need that break, or when your partner needs to feel like a participant in babe'due south developing sense of trust, to know what it feels like to be what baby needs in that moment.

And when you become back to that little slice of sky before bed, where everything is still and placidity and your little i is resting peacefully in your arms, you'll wish for fourth dimension to end. For that one little moment, it will.

Sweet Dreams,


​Take you seen my SWEET Summer Sleep Offer? (Hint, if you have $ane you're in!)

She was equally excited as we were each mean solar day when we saw comeback! I am one of those moms who has read every book on slumber and is pretty knowledgeable in the area. Just subsequently talking with her, I felt very confident in her knowledge and had a feeling she would be very caring and supportive along the manner – which she proved daily! I highly recommend Jenni, she is well worth every penny you spend and having a infant sleep better is priceless!


Mama to two sweetness babies

When nosotros starting time consulted with Jenni, our 6-month quondam wouldn't sleep unless she was swaddled and rocked for no less than an hour. Even then, she would sometimes wake upwardly every hour. This was not sustainable for anyone. Later on post-obit Jenni's plan, which felt much gentler and more empathetic than other cry-it-out methods, she's learned how to self-soothe and is now falling asleep on her own, consistently sleeping seven- to eight-hour stretches. I highly recommend Jenni'due south services.


Mama to 2

Before, our daughter was crying and cranky all solar day, simply comfortless. At present, she's joyful every waking infinitesimal and she's exceeding all of her milestones. Nosotros credit the neat slumber she'southward getting. Give thanks you, SlumberBaby!


Mom to April, Star Sleeper Graduates

One of my roles is to go along my family salubrious. We needed sleep in order to be good for you, that's all in that location was to it. This was the best investment in our health I could take made.


Mama to 2, Star Sleeper Graduates

I had no idea that so many things impact my daughter'due south sleep. The workshop taught me that my daughter was struggling with sleep because her routines and schedule were not dialed in. We attended yesterday and today she's already sleeping better!


Attended Gratuitous Workshop

My vii-month old is now the best sleeper in the firm!"


Erika Q.
Ellie'south mama, Star Sleeper Graduates

Working with Jenni has easily been one of the all-time decisions we accept made equally new parents of a 7 month onetime boy. Nosotros knew we wanted to prioritize adept sleep for our entire family unit, & since completing our sleep training series with her about a month ago, we all wake upward happy almost every day! Nosotros feel similar we have the tools to deal with challenges that may ascend in the future, and it is also a condolement to know that if there is anything we don't know how to deal with, she will be at that place to help! Jenni is like shooting fish in a barrel to talk to and confide in. She never talked downward to u.s.a. and ever told us the reasons why she was recommending the things she wanted us to do. I actually Wait Frontwards to our nap fourth dimension routine because it is and then pleasant now. Every day, and peculiarly every nighttime, is more enjoyable considering we are all sleeping then well.


Mama to Orin

Merely do it!

We finally caved around 13 mos and completely stuck with Jenni's advice and it'due south been Astonishing. She tweaked the nap times and gave some very specific advice all at no charge because we had previously paid her a consultation fee. Our son has been napping twice per day for 45-ninety minutes IN HIS OWN CRIB ever since! That plus his 12-13 hour night sleep has fabricated all the difference.


Rested mama to one

I was really struggling after Nathan was born. My married man signed us up and got the states started, considering I was in caregiver/survival style. I'm so grateful for the back up and guidance and ease of every piece of this programme. I'thou so grateful for the slumber! Having a really articulate, unproblematic plan to follow--and seeing progress every day and night--made all the difference for me!

SlumberBaby'southward Star Sleeper


Nathan's Mom, Star Sleeper Graduates

There are times I'thou brought to tears with how grateful I am for SlumberBaby. From twenty-four hours one it felt like Jenni was a friend who was just as invested in our baby'due south slumber as we were.


Mama to Sadie

My doctor told me I needed to sleep. My baby'due south doc told me that she needed to sleep. They gave me a one-folio handout with a slumber chart on it, but nothing truly helpful. So I'd go domicile and feel like a failure all over again. I'd recommend every parent be handed this plan at their infant's first check-up. It saved me.Update testimonial


Katie R.
Mama to 2, Star Sleeper Graduates

I was at the signal where I idea I was going to have to employ CIO with my son if we were ever going to get whatsoever residuum. This workshop gave me an alternative where I get to support him while he learns to sleep, and I'm then grateful!


Attended Free Workshop

She'southward SLEEPING!! We are so, so grateful for Jenni at Slumberbaby!! We have an 18 month old that had some strong crutches to let go of from the pacifier, night nursing and sleeping in our bed! She did not similar to sleep at all.
I was hesitant to start this procedure because I knew my track record with consistency was lacking. I was likewise nervous virtually hearing the heartbreaking crying that my toddler was guaranteed to practice (very piddling crying with this plan)! We took the jump and signed up for the sp ring sleep class! Information technology was the best parenting decision we always fabricated. Every penny spent, was worth information technology! Jenni gave us a very detailed plan that we needed and that helped us with consistency! If we got stuck or she started something new, she was there to help us right away!! Our child was sleeping through the entire night earlier nosotros were half way through with the class. She now lays downwards on her own with no crying for naps and bedtimes. It is so amazing to accept slumber for united states of america and a well rested child. If you lot are on the fence, just do it, you won't regret it! It does work!! Thanks, Thank you!!


Mama to Stella

Jenni was just the back up I needed to make the transition from sleepless nights to 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep for my son. She was kind and understanding. She knew how hard it was going to be for me to intermission away from co-sleeping. Contacting Jenni was 1 of the best things I've done every bit a new mom.


Jen and Phillip
Parents to 2 little sleepers

I love that I was able to set the pace for our sleep goals. My daughter is a swell sleeper now!



Jenni met with my married man and I before our girl was built-in. We'd been through a birth class, just what I was actually nervous about was sleep–you always hear how tired new parents are! I really didn't desire to be in a situation where everyone's sleep was terrible for months on cease. She put our minds at rest. She walked united states of america through the first 12 weeks of our baby'due south life, talked most things nosotros could practice to help her sleep while totally spoiling her with love and snuggles at the same time. Jenni also gave us great information about our baby's sleep through the first year that I reference all the time. I didn't know how much I didn't know nigh sleep! Our daughter is at present half-dozen months old, an awesome napper, wakes once a night to consume, and my husband and I take managed to stay pretty rested through it all!


New Mama

I waited too long to get sleep nether control, but knowing Jenni had been at that place too fabricated me experience like I had someone on my team. Now? We love sleep!


Mama to Maya, Star Sleeper Graduates

Now he falls asleep while I rub his dorsum and he sleeps 11 hours straight. He used to spend and so much of the night (and the day, if I'chiliad honest) upset and crying, only non anymore!


Jacob's Mom, Star Sleeper Graduates

There'south no i I'd recommend more to assist you with your baby'due south sleep. SlumbeBaby is fantastic.


Mama to Skye, Star Sleeper Graduates

Our experience with SlumberBaby was splendid. Jenni is incredibly supportive, responsive, professional, encouraging, and knowledgeable. I really needed the guidance and back up to assist us all get sleeping well, because I could non parent well when I was so tired! I besides couldn't sift through all of the slumber books and contradicting advice with my tired brain, and then having someone with the education, feel, and expertise assistance us guide our baby and toddler to healthy slumber habits was so valuable. I am a much more joyful and relaxed mom with better sleep and my kids are so much happier too. It is so worth getting help on slumber considering we all demand information technology to thrive!"


Katie, MT
Mom to 2

Nosotros used to spend hours trying to get our ix month old to slumber. Now our routine is near thirty minutes long and he goes right to slumber, and then sleeps all dark every nighttime. I never imagined it would happen so fast and that he'd exist so happy with the change!


Mama to Jackson

Sweet Mother of All Things Holy. My child slept through the dark last night for the first time ever. There were times I seriously thought this mean solar day would never come. Give thanks you SlumberBaby !


Mama to Luna

I was diddled away at how hands [my son (19 mos)] transitioned into the plan that Jenni recommended. The plan was simple and easy to follow and she was amazing assistance and encouragement.


Mama to 3 boys, Health Passenger vehicle

SlumberBaby truly helped me get my life back. I was non existence a good parent, employee, or educatee considering of my lack of slumber. She truly seemed to understand the struggle and her confidence and science backed knowledge was extremely comforting. She assisted me in helping my child sleep while at the aforementioned time trusting my instincts. She has a gentle arroyo both for the well being of the babe and the mama.


Mama (and lots of other things!)

My three-year-onetime would not stay in her own bed or in her own room. As a result sometimes she slept with me or would sleep on the floor next to our bed. Jenni gave usa a programme, the logic to back up the plan, and a fun way to do it so that it felt similar our whole family was pulling towards a goal. My daughter never felt punished, but was totally excited by her small successes forth the way. We are very happy!


Danielle and Travis
Toddler parents!

You lot always hear how tired new parents are! I really didn't desire to be in a situation where everyone's sleep was terrible for months on finish. We signed up for the Newborn Foundations Kit and we're so glad we did! Our daughter is at present 6 months old, an awesome napper, wakes once a night to consume, and my husband and I have managed to stay pretty rested through information technology all! Even better, we got to spoil her with beloved and snuggles the whole mode.


Estell's mom

I constitute myself dreading dark time. It felt and so long and and so lonely. Now there are nights when I can't finish staring at my sleeping babies on the monitor.


Mama to twins, Star Sleeper Graduates

Now, our son gets the sleep he needs, averaging almost ane.five-ii hour naps and 11.5-12 hour nights. Jenni not simply guided our son to go more sleep, but the rest of the family unit, too. SlumberBaby was hands downward the best parenting determination I have made and has truly enhanced our lives. I am then thankful for Jenni and her warmth, nurture and support. I cannot recommend her enough!


Mama to Jett

We are a Rested Family unit

My 9-month onetime son went from sleeping in our bed to sleeping in his crib in his own room, which was exactly what nosotros wanted. It was a lot of piece of work, merely Jenni provided everything nosotros needed so nosotros knew what to expect. She paid attending to how each night went and gave us corking feedback so nosotros could progress the following night. She was sensitive to me as a mom and the emotional tugs involved, which is where I needed her the most. She is a mom, she knows. She helped us reach our goals, and gave our family dorsum our sleep!


Mama to Zach

Part of our nap fourth dimension and bedtime routines include holding him while singing a song. Lately after one or two verses he gives me a hug and kiss and happily reaches for his crib to be put downwardly to sleep. Our whole family functions improve when we sleep well, and we feel so lucky that he loves to sleep!


Mama to Silas

We signed upwardly for last dark'southward workshop and by the end, nosotros had a whole page of notes and a program to move forward with our baby's sleep--nosotros were so excited! It's similar, we always knew everything that goes into a baby's sleep, merely Jenni put all the pieces together for us (give thanks GOD considering my dad brain is too tired for that!)


Attended Costless Workshop

Thanks sooooo much Jenni! You've been neat for all of us- Dad gets to exist more than involved, mom is getting more confident, optimistic, and skilled, and of grade Lil Dude is sleeping waaay better. We knew that he would come around eventually, but with how his poor sleep afflicted his mom, dad was in many ways more concerned most her. Well, Dad is getting his wife back, so THANK Yous! Y'all've literally been life-changing for all of usa.


Dad to Jett

You don't realize how impactful sleep is to everyone's health until you're not getting whatsoever. Parenting in that state felt terrible. It makes sense that our son felt terrible, too.


Dad to Elias, Star Sleeper Graduates

By the cease of the workshop we knew exactly what to do to help our baby sleep better. We're ready to become sleeping!


Tired mom, workshop attendee

Baby Won't Let Dad Put Him to Sleep


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